I have received the following letter from the Sapientis Institute with a proposal for the readers of this blog and the parishionners of Saint Pio de Pietrelcina. A good doctrinal formation supposes a good education and first, it requires what many people lack because they have been brain-washed by the system (Public school, televison, modernism...): to learn how to think well, according to our human nature.
Please, take a look and consider it.
The vocation of lay Catholics is to regain the public square for the Church. The Holy Father’s vision is that we must do this by "imbuing the temporal order with the Christian spirit and transforming it according to the divine plan". But we cannot perform this mission unless we have been fully formed in the intellectual traditions of the Catholic Church. Only then will we have the tools required to bring the voice of the church to the public square.
To provide that intellectual formation the Sapientis Institute is presenting a unique online program that combines modern technology and a timeless program of Thomistic studies. Through this medium we are able to reach potentially hundreds of thousands of students who, for reasons of geography, age and financial situation, would never be able to complete a course of Thomistic study in the conventional way.
Many people are intimidated by philosophy, mainly because they have been thrown in the deep end by starting with Metaphysics. But we start with Logic. This mirrors perfectly how our intellects develop and therefore makes philosophy accessible to all. We have a number of teenagers as students.
Lectures are delivered via an online classroom that allows students to have the benefit of immediate interaction with the lecturer. We also offer the benefits of traditional distance education. All lectures are available as downloads after the class.
Our course fees are not per person but are per household, so the whole household, even every member of a large family, can afford to get the best in Scholastic formation.
We are currently registering students for courses in Beginning Latin, Formal and Material Logic and Philosophical Physics. Once these courses are completed students can go on to study Ethics, Economics, Politics, and Metaphysics.
Readers of De Fide Catholica and members of the St. Pio da Pietralcina community are invited to attend the first three sessions of any of our courses on a trial basis. Just go to the Trial Offer page.
Link Trial Period Offer: http://sapientisinstitute.org/trialperiodoffer.html
Link Sapientis Institute: http://sapientisinstitute.org/home.html
God Bless
Christopher Cordeiro
Marketing and Student Affairs Director