vendredi, janvier 22, 2010
Pray the Holy Mass

lundi, janvier 18, 2010
Robert E. Lee's birthday

Equestrian statue of Robert Lee by French sculptor Jean Antonin Mercié.
The Sword of Robert Lee
Forth from its scabbard, pure and bright,
Flashed the sword of Lee!
Far in the front of the deadly fight,
High o'er the brave in the cause of Right
Its stainless sheen, like a beacon light,
Led us to Victory!
Out of its scabbard, where, full long,
It slumbered peacefully,
Roused from its rest by the battle's song,
Shielding the feeble, smiting the strong,
Guarding the right, avenging the wrong,
Gleamed the sword of Lee!
Forth from its scabbard, high in the air
Beneath Virginia's sky--
And they who saw it gleaming there,
And knew who bore it, knelt to swear
That where that sword led they would dare
To follow--and to die!
Out of its scabbard! Never hand
Waved sword from stain as free,
Nor purer sword led braver band,
Nor braver bled for a brighter land,
Nor brighter land had a cause so grand,
Nor cause a chief like Lee!
Forth from its scabbard! How we prayed
That sword might victor be;
And when our triumph was delayed,
And many a heart grew sore afraid,
We still hoped on while gleamed the blade
Of noble Robert Lee!
Forth from its scabbard all in vain
Bright flashed the sword of Lee;
'Tis shrouded now in its sheath again,
It sleeps the sleep of our noble slain,
Defeated, yet without stain,
Proudly and peacefully!
dimanche, janvier 17, 2010
The true Religion
"The sign of the true Religion must be that it obliges men to love God. That is quite right, yet while none enjoined it, ours has done so. It must also have understood about concupiscence and weaknesses; ours has done so. It must have provided the remedies; one is prayer. No other religion has asked God to make us love and follow Him."
"True Religion teaches us our duties, our weaknesses, pride and concupiscence, and the remedies, humility and mortification."
mercredi, janvier 06, 2010
Sermon for the Feast of the Epiphany

Once the Patriarch of Alexandria was notified of the date of Easter, he sent the news to the other Patriarchs of the Eastern Churches and to the Pope who could then notify the Patriarchs of the Western Churches. The Bishops made a custom of sending an epistola festivalis which was a pastoral letter announcing the dates of Easter and of all the major moveable feasts of the year. The whole Church could then celebrate the great mysteries of our Faith at the same time. This custom even became a canonical obligation in certain places. We have for example a canon from the Council of Orléans in 541 that commands the priests to send delegates to their bishops before the Feast of the Epiphany in order to enquire about the date of the liturgical Feasts and to inform their parishioners on the day of the Epiphany.
mardi, janvier 05, 2010
Traditional Catholic Music at Batesville
Humm... I cannot have a better picture of the announcement, so you can click below to read it in PDF file... Sorry for my lack of computeur mastery !