mercredi, janvier 16, 2008

March for life

The diocese's Mass for Life will be January 20 at noon in the Statehouse Convention Center Ballroom in Little Rock. Msgr. J. Gaston Hebert, diocesan administrator, is the main celebrant. Thirty-five years ago this month, the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions legalized abortion in the United States. Catholics statewide participate in this Mass annually to pray for those decisions to be reversed.
The March for Life, sponsored by the Arkansas Right to Life, will follow the Mass. It will be begin at 2 p.m. at the intersection of Louisiana and Capitol streets and end on the State Capitol steps.

"People of faith who stand for life -- you -- are often looked upon with distain as being backward, uneducated and even perceived, ironically enough, as being unloving by those whose moral values are derived by either pragmatism or humanism. Those favoring embryonic stem-cell research are appalled by our position and our opposition to experimentation that would sacrifice human life for possible progress in the elimination of various diseases.

The weight of Golgotha is arduous and we must be willing to carry that cross as long as it takes to change the culture of death in which we live into one that promotes, and protects and celebrates life." (Msgr Hebert, Jan. 21 2007)

The creed of genetics by Professor Jerome Lejeune

"In the beginning is a message, and the message is in life, and the message is life!"

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